Last weekend on Sunday, I joined with my group members to finish filming our music video. The time we met was initially going to be 12 PM, but we decided to meet at Anyeska’s house around 1:30 PM because we didn’t have much left to film. At first, we had four scenes left to film. However, we ended up breaking the storyboard and switching over to new ideas. We only had to film one scene on Sunday, which was our very last scene of the music video. Scene six and seven from the storyboard were merged together into one scene, breaking the storyboard. Scene twelve from the storyboard had to be changed in order to fit the idea we had in mind. Instead of filming a long shot of me kicking my socks off then laying on the couch, Anyeska filmed an extreme close up shot of her kicking her shoes off. It was Britania’s idea to show someone taking off their shoes while saying the lyrics stated, “‘Cause today I swear I’m not doing anything”. This would imply that someone was not going to just walk out their house barefoot and walk to a store or somewhere public. The changes made to the storyboard were done the day before Saturday.
To continue, scenes thirteen through fifteen were completely changed up on Sunday. We merged the three scenes together, making them one scene. We also cut our actions short. In scene thirteen, our initial idea was to throw up paper confetti and lay on the floor. Then, in fourteen the last scene would be someone covering the camera with their hand. Instead, we went against the storyboard again. We decided to throw the paper confetti upwards, then everyone else except me would huddle in a circle and cheer happily while they jumped in the air. I would then walk away from the group and cover the camera with my hand. Anyeska’s mom was behind the camera for the previously described scene. The camera angle was a medium shot. After this, the music video was called to an end. I felt relieved, so after this we all went out to have fun.
All in all, filming was successful. I enjoyed working with Anyeska, Britania, Lesly, and Nick. We were really careful and decisive about how we wanted to film the music video. Everyone stayed focused and was really involved since we all had at least three scenes. We all played a huge part in the music video. To add on, we filmed in five different settings around Anyeska’s house, and everyone had a chance to operate the camera. We all actively contributed to the music video as a team. I felt as though I learned a lot about working with others and handling a camera. It was really fun to create something that’s your own. I am happy that I got to work with my friends because it was a great educational experience. I look forward to working with the same people for every other projects or tasks that come along the way.
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